Better Than I used to Be


Apparently I  took a hiatus that I didn’t realize I was taking, but I am back now. So much was going on in my life. I thought I was happy and had everything that I needed but I was wrong. I couldn’t see the bigger picture. Then one day the bigger picture got put right in front of me, and it was clear. I was going to be forever wanting more, if I stayed where I was, doing what I was doing. That made all the difference, as much as I loved the man I was with, it was just a constant state of turmoil, never resolving what was wrong, and me never being truly honest with myself. So I knew after that night it was time to let it go. Oh it hurt like hell, but I can really say that I woke up the next day and it was like life had be renewed. I haven’t looked forward to nothing in so long. I didn’t know what it was like to just be happy with no grief, or pain on my shoulders. I listened to the song : I will always love you by whitney houston and as corny as it sounds it is really how I feel.

So I’m starting over again, and it’s not painful this time. I’m actually looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to a new me, a new life. I am going to lose this weight, and be beautiful from the inside out. I can’t wait.


MORe to come soon I promise!